About Treeworker

Welcome to Treeworker!
Many thanks to the multiple thousands of visitors we receive here each month for your continued support of Treeworker. I realise it has been a difficult year in business for some & I'm sure we've all heard stories of companies folding or individuals changing career due to the lack of work within arboriculture.
These are facts that, I'm sure we'll all have to get used to & that shouldn't be ignored. As the cost of just about everything goes up we need to be able to maintain an income that can deal with it but as work is tight so to are the prices being offered to treework customers, particularly in the domestic field. This eventually means that work will be carried out for less & less because we all have to make our ends meet. A far from ideal scenario & a very fine knife-edge to be walking. Let's hope that things brighten up this coming year & it becomes another to remember.
During this past year I have pondered many times on the thought of, what Treeworker is, why it happened & where might it go in the future? I guess that there are many answers to these questions but to me they are quite simple.
What is Treeworker?
It's the beginning of a support network where arborists of all ilks' can find information, advice & high quality products from individuals with a passion for treework. All of who have a direct connection with the practical nature of managing or climbing trees. Obviously it is also a business, not completely hell-bent on profit margins but good margins allows finance to be invested into furthering the aims of the ideal.
Why Treeworker?
Basically I was frustrated with the need for good information when, as a freelance climber, I purchased equipment. At that time, at best, most of the info I received was second hand, Chinese Whispers really. There was nobody supplying gear that had found his or her way into the arena of technical competence that is needed to offer solid help to anyone interested in buying. It seems to me that it is obviously not a prerequisite for all but it certainly was for me. So the storey continues to unfold!
Where in the future, Treeworker?
The million dollar question maybe! As many of you are aware we have been running occasional workshops for rope splicing. These will continue so long as the current level of interest remains. We are working on producing a certification program so that we may be able to get back some of the craft skills that seem to be dwindling away. There is direction also to begin offering Lantra training backed by NPTC certification, this would be the beginning of developing advanced training which is surely lacking at present.
And, as is always the case, we will be introducing a whole heap of new products in phases in the early part of this year. So please do visit the home page to see what & when these new delights are available.
Many thanks & best wishes,
Our Misson
- To pursue the highest standards in all we do; from the development of treework & arborist equipment to the door-to-door delivery & supply of our products.
- To be at the leading edge of product research & development, with no compromise in quality.
- To always offer friendly, educated & impartial advice.
- To have a good time in our pursuits.
Our Philosophy
We firmly believe that climbing & working with trees should be an enjoyable venture. People throughout the world have experienced the uplifting feeling of climbing & connecting with nature in this way for eons. From an early age the attraction to climb trees has been a magnet to many people.
It should also be a safe, secure & comfortable undertaking, so with this in mind we source many products through individuals & companies who have a similar approach or feeling.
We are passionate about our contact with trees & tree people, and hope to spread this feel good factor through our extensive connections within the sphere. This now is truly a worldwide happening with distance being no obstacle in sourcing & respect being given to the original innovators of new products.
We are the connection between tree, climber, designer & manufacturer.
Who Are We?
Robert 'Noddy' Knott is an arborist since April 1987. Having fallen into the world of tree surgery whilst searching for 'something to do', he's not looked back since. After only 2 months of dragging brash & carrying logwood the opportunity arose to climb (on preset ropes) the 'Big Cedar' at Painshill Park, Surrey. Described by Alan Mitchell as probably the largest bulk of Lebanon Cedar anywhere in Europe. With almost no climbing experience to go on, it was obviously a challenge not to be missed! Three & a half hours later, blistered & bloody & a body feeling like it had been beaten, the name 'Nod' was scribbled in the guest book nestled high in the uppermost twigs. This experience using very low-tech gear & technique paved the way to a life of touching trees through climbing.
Natural developments have taken place through the intervening years both personally & with equipment. The opportunity to travel throughout the world & climb trees exists for those searching the freedom of the highway. That highway has included sites & countries including Norway, Sweden, Australia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Jordan, Greece, France, Tenerife & of course the UK. Countries on top of the 'must do' list would have to be the USA & New Zealand; the big trees will be experienced.
In all areas of equipment, development was slow to non-existent; nylon climbing ropes, basic harnesses & polypropylene lowering performed well but has its very definite limitations. A wind of change blew in 1993, at the ISA European Congress in Leinstein, Germany. Rigging development & friction hitches changed form rapidly & advancement had begun in Euroland. Rip Tompkins & Ken Palmer (now of Arbormaster Training Inc.) began regular visits bringing the American style, along with Don Blair (of Sierra Moreno Merchantile) & other well-known faces. Modern rigging had finally arrived! Thankfully!!
About this time Nod was involved with Svensk Tradvard 85, a Swedish company carrying out contract work as well as developing & testing products for the arb industry. They were for some years the main UK importers & supporters of what has now become standard rigging equipment as well as promoters of aerial rescue techniques using caving tools for access; obviously time has not stood still & development continues to this day.
Next on the UK scene appeared tree-climbing competitions (TCC). September 1995 saw the first multi discipline event at the Arboricultural Association annual conference in Lancaster. A number of entrants arrived from Germany & Kay Buseman truly showed the UK how to competition climb; this was in part the beginning of climbing equipment development in the UK. The leading processes of development have taken place mainly in Europe with a forward thinking approach to energy efficiency & access technique. In the UK we tend to follow this lead at TCC level but dissemination into industry appears to be at a somewhat slower pace.
The Result
The sum result of life within the arb industry has lead possibly to what was inevitable, Treeworker.co.uk. The desire to help develop & ultimately supply the latest equipment available to climbers & treeworkers lay deeply rooted. A network of people work diligently to further the safety, ergonomics, efficiency & comfort of the equipment we use daily. The long-term result will lead to decreased effort to produce the same outcome, will be more cost effective at ground level & lead the way to a safer industry for climbers & groundworkers alike. Treeworker.co.uk will be an asset to the arb industry as it keeps you up to date with events & happenings as they unfold.
More . . .
The day to day running of Horizon Treecare has been the main business since the mid 1990's, along with involvement with TCC's. Having maintained a top five UK finish since 1997 it culminated with UK/I team places at European TCC in 2001 & 2002, with 1st place finishes in Scotland'98 & Wales'02. The most important aspect though, with this involvement has been how the TCC development has slid smoothly into the everyday workplace. From canopy access technique to more fluid friction hitches & effortlessness of climbing style.
Much can be achieved by effortlessly flowing with, rather than fighting against. To this end it would be fantastic to see more climbers using well developed & balanced technique that offer the chance of a long & fruitful connection with trees through climbing. It is important for this information to be available & accessible to all climbers so that we can all move forward together.